Monday, October 31, 2011

Lexi's total room makeover! Happy 10th Lex!!

These first two pics are of her secret hideaway behind her closet, this is my favorite part of her room! She has a small desk, sitting area, lamp and shelves in her secret hideaway. So cute!

I know it has been WAY too long since I have blogged, but I think I have finally slowed down long enough to start again :) No promises though.. ;)

My sweet girl is ten years old. How did this happen? I remember the day I went into labor with her like it was yesterday. James and I walking around our subdivision trying to speed the contractions up, James running to Kroger to get a pecan pie I was craving, me eating the entire pie... Yes, I really ate the entire pie! Me having an allergic reaction to the epidural...what fun memories ;) A few hours later we had a beautiful, tiny baby girl, and here she is, 10 years old and I couldn't be more proud of the person she has become. So unique, talented, loving and so dedicated to her faith. I am so privileged to be her mother.

For her Birthday she was given a total room makeover! Her PawPaw took her and Noah bowling, her Nana, Daddy and myself worked hard and fast to give her room a new look! She thought we were only giving her new paint colors, but she got a new bedset, decor, desk, etc. It was so much fun to give her a big girl room! We love you so much Lex! Happy Birthday sweetheart, can't wait to take you to Taylor Swift next weekend for your second birthday surprise :)