Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lexi's 10th Birthday, Karaoke Slumber Party Style!

We put on such a fun show for Lexi's 10th Birthday! My dad, who is a financial director by day, is an extremely talented Musicain by night ;) He has an incredible collection of guitars, and all the music equipment you can think of! He was gracious enough to let us borrow his equipment making my little Rockstar's party a success!!! Happy Birthday sweet girl, please stop growing :(

Some of the pics are from morning after the party, look at those tired faces! They sang...nonstop...until almost two in the m0rning! They did take a break to roast marshmallows over the fire pit in the back yard, but immediately went back to singing ;)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We had so much fun trick-or-treating with our small group! I was so proud of Noah last night. He, as most of you know, has horrible food allergies. He was not able to have about 90% of the candy he got last night, but he took it like a champ ;) He happily picked out the candy he could have, got a little extra from mommy and daddy, and left the rest for sissy, sweet boy! Here are a few pics of my little cuties in their Halloween outfits...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Lexi's total room makeover! Happy 10th Lex!!

These first two pics are of her secret hideaway behind her closet, this is my favorite part of her room! She has a small desk, sitting area, lamp and shelves in her secret hideaway. So cute!

I know it has been WAY too long since I have blogged, but I think I have finally slowed down long enough to start again :) No promises though.. ;)

My sweet girl is ten years old. How did this happen? I remember the day I went into labor with her like it was yesterday. James and I walking around our subdivision trying to speed the contractions up, James running to Kroger to get a pecan pie I was craving, me eating the entire pie... Yes, I really ate the entire pie! Me having an allergic reaction to the epidural...what fun memories ;) A few hours later we had a beautiful, tiny baby girl, and here she is, 10 years old and I couldn't be more proud of the person she has become. So unique, talented, loving and so dedicated to her faith. I am so privileged to be her mother.

For her Birthday she was given a total room makeover! Her PawPaw took her and Noah bowling, her Nana, Daddy and myself worked hard and fast to give her room a new look! She thought we were only giving her new paint colors, but she got a new bedset, decor, desk, etc. It was so much fun to give her a big girl room! We love you so much Lex! Happy Birthday sweetheart, can't wait to take you to Taylor Swift next weekend for your second birthday surprise :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

50's Day at Trinity!

The kids celebrated their 50th day of school by going all 50's at Trinity! They had a sock hop, ice cream floats and pizza in the "diner" a dance off, and of course, wore their best 50's outfits! They even had a costume contest with trophies for the winners ;) When I went to the gym for the pep rally it looked like a scene from Happy Days, so cute! The teachers and principal even participated ;) I was teaching that day, but was able to sneak away from my classroom and steal some pics of Lex and Noah enjoying their day, thanks to my wonderful co-workers who watched my class for me!

My mother made Lexi's skirt, I helped by ironing on the poodle and her leash...obviously I don't sew, sorry Mom! She did a great job, I think Alexis looked beautiful! Noah, my sweet little Noah ;) well, he made such an adorable greaser! The school really put a lot of work into 50's day, the kids loved it! Noah said it was the best day ever! Now I just wonder what they are going to do for the 100th day of school!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

My little chef's ;)

We love to cook as a family! We have a lot of fun in the kitchen together and it is usually where you can find us! It is truly the heart of our home! The kids love to cook, and are actually both a big help. Some of my fondest memories with my own mother are in the kitchen! She is such a great cook, and made all of those fantastic comfort foods every mother makes (the tortilla soup on my blog is her 'original' recipe, I have just modified it to my own taste!). They STILL taste the same today when she cooks them :) I thought I would share a few pics of my kiddos in the kitchen!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First day of school

First of all, it has been WAY to long since I have blogged! I went back to work shortly after starting this blog, and well, just didn't have time honestly! I am still working (teaching), but only part time now, and I have had a few months to adjust to juggling work, family and myself! I figured I would just start fresh and blog about the kids first day back to school!
Always exciting ;)

Alexis is in third grade now!! Can you believe it? What happened to my baby? Please God make it slow down! Noah Scott started Kindergarten, I cried...he didn't!! He was SO ready! He marched right in like the big boy he is and waved goodbye! Noah is a year younger than Lex was when she started. It is amazing how much difference a year makes, he seems so much smaller and younger!! They are both doing great in school and have adjusted to their schedules well. This is nothing new to Lex, but for Noah, he has never even attended pre-school! With his severe allergy to peanuts and his sever eczema, we have always kept him home with me. We were very worried as to how he was going to adjust to the rigorous schedule, the work, the long days etc. but he seems to be loving school, so thank God for that! His school also made their facility peanut free, what a sweet blessing! I am in the classroom down the hall from Noah, I love being able to sneak a peak every once in a while ;) Here are a few pics from their first day!
Trinity Lutheran School 2010

This is Lex with her bestie Sammie ;)

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it."

-Proverbs 22:6

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Girl's Night!

(Me, Rach and Megs at the first SATC premiere in 2008)

Oh, how I love these nights ;) I don't get them very often, so I try and enjoy every minute of it! Two years ago, on (literally) the night before we moved back to Houston from San Antonio, my best friends, Meg and Rach took me to see the premiere of the Sex and the City movie, we had SO much fun, but then again, we always do! Rach is still living in SA (she is from here, but moved there after I did, and hasn't come home yet, I'm still waiting...). Megs moved back to Houston, but is actually in SA working on a class for her Master's degree and is staying with Rach for a few weeks, so now that SATC 2 has come out, I am a little sad they aren't here to enjoy it with me, I am going with other girls that I love, but I do wish they were here too :( On these nights it makes me think about how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends, friends that love me, and my family, unconditionally. They are so dear to my heart, and I am so thankful for them. None of them have children, and by the time they do have children, I think mine will be teenagers! So, my kiddos have lots of Auntie's that love them dearly, another reason I am so thankful for my friends, because they love my children so very much, and that means the world to me.

I wish you were here Meg and Rach! I love and miss you both! Rachel, MOVE HOME!!! Love, love, love... ;)