Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brownie Girl Scouts!

This first pic is Lex after we got home showing off her decked out Brownie vest ;)

Here is our group of girls (missing a few)! My mom is there in the background ;)
Noah, cousin Lauren and Uncle Mike
Alexis and Addison (Uh, love your facial expression here Sue!!)
The food! Always my favorite part ;)
Yesterday afternoon was Lexi's last meeting of Girl Scouts for the school year *sigh*. We had an end of the year event where all of the parents were invited. The leaders, who are Jackie, Susan and myself, put together a skit for the parents (performed by the girls), an awesome slide show and also an awards ceremony. The girls earned the remainder of their try-it patches, awards for cookie sales and Brownie bucks! The Brownie bucks were SO cute, they earned these throughout the year with good behavior, and they were allowed to 'shop' with their bucks. I love being able to help lead this troop, they are truly an amazing bunch of girls! My fellow leaders are just awesome to work with and Brownies has to be my favorite activity Lexi is involved in. I am so excited to help lead this troop again next year! Thanks for a great year girls!!
P.S. we are supposed to take the girls on their second camping trip this summer, if only I can get a certain someone on board...hint, hint, no pressure ;)
"On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout law."

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