Thursday, May 13, 2010

So just what do you say on these things?

I love reading other's blogs, I love keeping up with friends and family, especially those that live far away! I'm not sure anything I have to say will be all that interesting, but I think I will have fun documenting my life. Maybe this way I will be able to see where all my time went!

So far this morning, Noah and I shared a smoothie and played with his new friend Rupert! James found this little guy at his job site yesterday and brought him home for the kids to see. Poor Rupert is ready to be set free I'm afraid ;) I will have to break Noah's heart soon, but for now, he is happily pushing his new best friend around in his monster truck!

Hopefully I will get this blogging thing down, I think this was pretty good for my first try ;) I hope you enjoy reading about my little family that I am so very proud of!

1 comment:

  1. I love this-I love reading about your little family!!!
